Zimfarm is Kiwix’ platform for automating the creation and update of ZIM files. Thousands or recipes are run by distributed workers. All day, every day, so you can enjoy offline content.
It is entirely and only supported by donations. A few dollars may not mean much for you but will certainly help us a lot : if you can, consider supporting us - even with the price of a cup of coffee (we love coffee and at times need quite a bit of it).
Another way to help is by donating a worker : if you have a GNU/Linux system with at least 4 cores, 2GB of RAM and a fixed public IP, follow these instructions. And if you have a headless server you want to give us access to, it's even easier!
Zimfarm is a Python project hosted on Github. It is built on top of content-specific scrapers like mwoffliner
, youtube
, sotoki
, and others. Check out OpenZIM's repositories for a complete list.